Information Technology Engineers Examination (ITEE) is the national level IT Engineers Examination adopted by the Government of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is conducting ITEE exam twice a year from October 2013. For more detail, please refer to About ITEE menu of this site or you can download ITEE brochure and visit ITPEC website
Bangladesh is conducting 2 exams though there are 4 exams being offered by ITPEC (Information Technology Professionals Examination Council). Exam are:
We are conducting the following two exams in Bangladesh now:
Level-1: IP Exam: Exam registration fee is Tk 510/- (Five Hundred Ten) only. Registration should be completed online within the specific time period. Interested candidates can purchase IT Passport Exam Preparation Book paying Tk. 300/- (Three Hundred) only from Bangladesh Computer Council, Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Khulna Office. Office. Books can be ordered online with courier charge after or during registration of exam.
Level-2: FE Exam: Exam registration fee is Tk 1020- (One Thousand Twenty) only. Registration should be completed online within the specific time period. Interested candidates can purchase New FE Exam Preparation Books (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) paying Tk. 500/- (Five Hundred) only from Bangladesh Computer Council, Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Khulna Office. Books can be ordered online with courier charge after or during registration of exam.
The examination is conducted twice a year, in April/May and October every year.
Level-1: IP Exam: Duration of IP Exam is 120 minutes. Exam time is from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
Level-2: FE Exam: FE Exam is consists of two parts, Morning Exam and Afternoon Exam in the same day. Total duration of FE Exam is 300 minutes. Morning Exam is from 9:30AM to 12:00 PM and Afternoon Exam is from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM.
No. Exam is paper based only.
The questions of ITEE exams are MCQ type.
No. There is no negative marking for wrong answer.
Level-1: IP Exam: Passing score for IP exam is 55%.
Level-2: FE Exam: Passing score for Morning Exam is 60% and for Afternoon Exam is also 60%. To achieve FE Certificate, applicant has to pass both Morning Exam and Afternoon Exam. If any candidate can pass either morning exam or afternoon exam, s/he is treated as Half Passer but he will not get any certificate until s/he pass the another part (morning/afternoon) exam. Half Passer has to pass the other part (morning/afternoon) exam within one year from the date of his/her original exam i.e. Half Passer will get two more chances to pass for the other part (morning/afternoon) exam. If Half Passer do not take or fails to pass the other part (morning/afternoon) exam within one year, his/her Half Passer status will be cancelled. After one year, s/he can register and appear for both parts as fresh applicant.
A. Passing Level-1: IP Exam is not difficult but enough preparation is needed to pass the exam. Knowledge on IT, Strategy and Management is required to pass the exam.
B. Passing Level-2: FE Exam might be difficult if you have not studied Computer Science or CSE/IT related subjects. Level-2: FE Exam is mainly for IT graduates and IT Professionals. Knowledge on IT, Strategy and Management is required to pass the exam.
There is no formal training center for ITEE in Bangladesh.
A. Level-1: IT Passport Exam (IP): 40% questions from IT field, 35% questions from Strategy and 25% questions from Management field.
B. Level-2: Fundamental IT Engineer Exam (FE): 60% questions from IT field, 20% questions from Strategy and 20% questions from Management field.
There is no limit to appear the exam. You can appear as many times you want until you pass the exam.
Half passer is applicable for Level-2: FE exam only. FE exam is consists of two parts, morning exam and afternoon exam. If anybody want to take FE exam, s/he has to register and appear for both morning exam and afternoon exam in the same day. If the candidate can pass both morning exam and afternoon exam, s/he will get certificate. If any candidate can pass either morning exam or afternoon exam, s/he is treated as Half Passer but he will not get any certificate until s/he pass the another part (morning/afternoon) exam. Half Passer has to pass the other part (morning/afternoon) exam within one year from the date of his/her original exam i.e. Half Passer will get two more chances to pass for the other part (morning/afternoon) exam. If Half Passer do not take or fails to pass the other part (morning/afternoon) exam within one year, his/her Half Passer status will be cancelled. After one year, s/he can register and appear for both parts as fresh applicant.
The certificate signed by the Executive Director, Bangladesh Computer Council and the Honorable Senior Secretary, ICT Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology of Bangladesh will be handed over to the Passers. This certificate is internationally recognized. Moreover, top three highest scorers of IP & FE Exams will receive another certificate from IPA, Japan as a recognition for their excellent performance.
It will be announced on this Web site. Please visit our website “Registration“ menu on regular basis. Moreover you can visit “Exam Dates“ menu for knowing the actual exam registration period.
Current examination venues are Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi and Chittagong.
Level-1: IP Exam: Self preparation is highly recommended to pass this exam. You can purchase the “IT Passport Exam Preparation Book” paying Tk. 300/- (Three Hundred) only from BCC Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Khulna Office. The past examination questions and answers are downloadable from our website “Download” menu. Solving the previous exam questions, you can boost up your confidence to pass the exam. These materials definitely will help you to pass the exam. Moreover, you can check the Level-1 Syllabus for IP.
Level-2: FE Exam: Self preparation is highly recommended to pass this exam.You can use the following materials and online resources for your preparation which will definitely help you to pass the exam:
Q. What is the Top Gun Program?
One of the highest scorers of Level-2: FE Exam might have the opportunity to attend in a training program in Japan sponsored by the Japanese Government. For more information please visit Top Gun.
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